Sensory Integration and How It Is Used In Pediatric Occupational Therapy

As we receive information from the world, we rely on our sensory systems. We rely mainly on our 5 senses: smell, touch, taste, sight, and sound. However, our nervous system also has unconscious senses such as touch, movement, force of gravity, and body position. Children with autism spectrum disorder may have a dysfunctional sensory system. Sometimes, one or more senses …

How Does A Pediatric OT Differ from an Adult OT?

Occupational therapy – many people have heard of it, but not everyone truly understands what it means. Formally, occupational therapy (or OT) helps individuals build life and work skills they need to use (or want to use) in their daily lives. What age groups do occupational therapists help? Occupational therapy is a unique field in that occupational therapists (or OTs) …

5 Easy Tips From an OT On How to Help Your Child Get Dressed In the Morning

Learning to get dressed can be an exciting time for your children as they gain more independence in their daily routines and activities. However, dressing can also be difficult to learn for some kids turning it into a frustrating part of the day for parents. Mornings tend to be the most stressful time of day as everyone is getting ready …

What is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist?

What is an occupational therapist? Chances are, if you’re a newcomer to the world of allied health and behavior analysis, that you’re at least somewhat unfamiliar with the role of an occupational therapist. An occupational therapist (also known as an “OT”) works with patients of all ages to improve the functioning of their daily skills. Who do occupational therapists work …

Ways Occupational Therapy Helps Kids With ADHD

What is ADHD? Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that is characterized by difficulty paying attention, impulsivity, disorganization, and hyperactivity. Symptoms typically begin during childhood and can impact a person through adulthood. What are Possible Signs of ADHD? Has difficulty sustaining attention Seems to not listen when spoken to directly Starts tasks but quickly loses focus and is easily distracted …

Good Night Reads for Kids With Special Needs

Parents, You may be looking for that perfect book to share with your child who may have Down Syndrome. Reading the right book can be a great way to connect with your child during their bedtime routine, but also give them the assurance that they are not different at all. We have composed a list of the 5 best books that …

10 Best Benefits of Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy (OT) is a profession that assists people across the lifespan to do the things they need and want to do to be as functional and independent as possible. Occupational therapists strive to help people live their lives to the fullest. In regards to pediatrics, therapists help children become independent in daily living tasks, become successful academically, address sensory …

What Is Sensory Integration?

Sensory integration is how the brain and body organize sensory input from the environment and how the body reacts to it. Sensory integration includes our senses such as how we hear, what we taste, smell, see and touch. These sensory inputs are integrated together during our everyday activities. For example, if a child is playing soccer, he is using sight …

The Importance of Learning Through Play

Play influences a big portion of a child’s life and development. As children play, they develop critical cognitive, emotional, social, and physical skills. Playing with others helps children to develop social and relational skills with their peers and family. As a parent, you want to ensure you are encouraging children to engage in different types of play to promote childhood …