The newest book in our series of illustrated guides for parents is out! What is Sensory Processing Disorder? An Illustrated Guide, helps both parents and children understand what sensory processing disorder is, how occupational therapy can help, and what to expect from therapy. This fun, child-friendly guide includes a breakdown of sensory processing disorder and the differences between sensory-avoiding and sensory-seeking. It describes what it looks like to seek and avoid each different sense: touch, auditory, movement, visual and oral.
Best of all, it helps the children receiving occupational therapy to understand and prepare for their unique therapeutic process. Providing comfort and support to clients and easing the troubles of transition leads to a more successful start to therapy.
This guide will soon be available on Amazon and Kindle. However, Chicago Occupational Therapy is always happy to provide current and potential clients with any resources. Please call 773-980-0300 and receive your copy today!